Legislative Priorities
State Legislative Priorities
The Florida Airports Council serves as the voice for Florida’s airports now and into the future. Our airports accommodate more than 176 million passengers annually from all over the globe, generating significant economic impact while creating more than 2 million jobs across the state. One of the Florida Airports Council’s top priorities is serving as a resource for state lawmakers when they are considering legislation that could affect Florida's airports or the residents and visitors that depend on them for travel and commerce.
FAC’s Legislative Priorities Keep Florida’s Airports Soaring
Click the 2024 State Priorities link to download
- Aviation Work Program State Funding – FAC supports state funding for airport development that is equal to or above what FDOT proposed in its Tentative Work Plan for 2024/25. These funds are critical for airports across the state as they plan, build, and maintain aviation facilities – all while creating jobs and generating a strong return on investment.
- Supplementary Discretionary Funding – FAC supports 2024/25 General Revenue Funds to FDOT to allow airports to meet demand by accelerating safety, security and capacity enhancing improvement projects. These funds will ensure continued growth of Florida’s Commercial and General Aviation Airports, and increase capacity in both landside & airside operations.
- Aviation Fuel Taxes – FAC opposes any further reductions to the state aviation fuel tax. Now more than ever, this revenue source is critically important and helps support our state’s increasing capital and development needs. Florida’s airports must be able to count on stable, reliable aviation revenue sources sufficient to meet the heightened
- PFAS Exemption – FAC is monitoring FDEP activities, and evaluating how outcomes might impact airports. We are actively advising and educating the FDEP and elected officials on the impacts of PFAS, a type of manmade chemicals used in firefighting foam — which the FAA requires airports to use for aircraft rescue and firefighting operations
- Advanced Air Mobility - FAC supports the safe integration of certified Advanced Air Mobility, allowing for a safer, more accessible, automated, and affordable air transportation system for Florida passengers and cargo in previously hard-to reach urban and rural locations.
- Transportation Network Companies (TNC’s) -FAC opposes any bill that would limit fees charged by airports or seaports, or prohibit airports and seaports from impeding access to certain services, benefits, or infrastructure, etc. FAC also supports equity in passenger fees.
- Legislative Clarifications - FAC SUPPORTS legislation addressing the impacts to airports due to the provisions of the Live Local Act, which allows housing in non-compatible areas and negates important provisions of Chapter 333 F.S., Airport Zoning. FAC also supports legislation that reinstates s. 333.03, F.S., providing the appropriate protections for land uses in airport environments.
- Rice’s Whale NPRM - FAC is monitoring NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NFMS) proposed rulemaking that relates to Rice’s Whale — an endangered whale species living in the Gulf of Mexico. If NFMS moves forward with significantly reducing, and in some cases prohibiting, the operation of large vessels in the Gulf of Mexico, FAC will evaluate how to minimize fuel and shipment delays along Florida’s West Coast.
FAC board Members pictured with Senator Linda Stewart
FAC Board Members pictured with Rep. David Silvers
FAC Board Members with Rep. Stan McClain |
Click the 2024 Federal Priorities link to download
From the individual passenger to the federal level, everyone benefits from the global connections and economic value provided by Florida’s airports. Below are FAC’s 2023/24 Federal Priorities:
- FAA Reauthorization Act of 2023 - FAC is monitoring the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2023. U.S. airports are the foundation of the global aviation system, and to maintain our leadership position we must make needed infrastructure upgrades and security enhancementstoprovideforasafeandefficienttravelexperienceforagrowingnumberofpassengers. The timely passage of an FAA Reauthorization Act in 2023 is a step in the right direction to provide airports with needed certainty to tackle important safety and security projects funded through the essential Airport Improvement Program.
- Airport Improvement Program - FAC supports authorizing the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) to $4 billion and expand AIP eligible projects to mirror Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) eligibility, as in the bi-partisan Infrastructure Law. Rebalance funding allocations by reducing the percentage of AIP entitlements large hub and medium hub airports with $4.50 PFC turn back to the program and then replenishing the Small Airports Fund with a commensurate amount of funding. The proposed formula change is contingent upon AIP funding of at least $4 billion annually.
- Good Jobs for Good Airports - FAC opposes any legislation that would force airport operators across the country to regulate wages and benefits provided by most tenants, contractors, and subcontractors using the airport facilities. This radical policy change would essentially turn airport operators into mini-Labor Departments to oversee labor standards within their facilities. Airports do not have the resources to monitor wages for tenants and should not be held financially responsible where there is little to no control.
- PFAS Transition Plan – FAC supports directing the FAA in collaboration with industry stakeholders, to develop a national transition plan to assist airports in moving to fluorine-free firefighting foams. Provide federal funds for an acquisition program for the new foam, a disposal program for the old foam, and PFAS remediation at airports.
- Explosive Detection Systems (EDS) Reimbursement - FAC support the Explosive Detection Systems Reimbursement. Congress’s efforts in ensuring the TSA finalize the required review process that was outlined in FY ‘16 appropriations report language directing the TSA to implement the required review process and propose sufficient funding to begin reimbursement to airports. FAC requests that Congress appropriate the remaining funds for the claims TSA has validated in the amount of $44 million.
- Aviation Worker Screening - FAC opposes TSA's recent Airport Security Program Amendment. It mandates airports to physically screen aviation workers, presenting an unfunded burden without clear regulatory support. FAC recommend TSA rescind the amendment, engage in a rulemaking process for public input, and conduct a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis to evaluate its impact on airports and civil aviation security.
- Advanced Air Mobility - FAC supports directing the FAA to work with airports, aviation stakeholders, and TSA to ensure (1) new entrants are safely integrated into the National Airspace System, and (2) airports are protected from unsafe UAS activities.
- Contract Tower Program - FAC supports continued funding that protects and maintains the contract tower program in its entirety for Florida’s and the nation’s airports.
- Customs And Border Protection - FAC supports increased CBP staffing and technology deployment in order to reduce wait times and airports being denied international flight landing rights.
Florida is home to 129 airports across the state. Each and every airport in Florida, regardless of size, provides that community’s access to the global economy. Florida’s airports must continue to be developed, improved, and expanded to meet the needs of tomorrow’s business environment.
The Florida Airports Council is committed to serving as a partner and a resource to our elected officials at the local, state, and national levels. If we can provide you with information or answer any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team.