


2023/2024 Internship Grant Opportunities Available!
Date: Wednesday, May 31 - Saturday, August 31 2024
Location: Florida
Hotel Information
Hotel: There is 1 Grant Opportunity Available!
Hotel Rate: 
Links and Documents:
Application Process
The Education Foundation President Kerry Keith, the Education Committee and FAC staff are pleased to announce the opening of the 2023/2024 internship application period.

FAC awards Internship Grants to airport members to help provide on-the-job work experience for students pursuing careers in airport management and to provide a pipeline of talented labor force for Florida’s airports. Grants are awarded to airports that demonstrate a willingness and desire to employ and supervise an intern.

For additional information click on the Application Process link above.

The following Airport Members have received Internship Grants..


2023-2024 Internship Recipients

Boca Raton Airport Authority

Kissimmee Gateway Airport

Lakeland Linder International Airport

Lee County Port Authority

Punta Gorda Airport

Sarasota Bradenton International Airport

St. Pete Clearwater International Airport
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