How to confirm you are a current FAC member If you are a current FAC member, your employer/company email address will be in our database and is your username to login to our member portal. If you are unsure if you/your company is a current member, follow these steps:
Type your employer/company email address in the Email search bar and click "Request Password Reset Email"
If you are a current FAC member, you will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password to login to our member portal.
If you are not a current FAC member, you will receive a pop up message on the login page that reads "A user with that email was not found". If you receive this message, click the link below to submit a new member inquiry. Once received, a member of our staff will reach out to confirm your request and grant you access to the FAC member portal.
How to join FAC Click here! This will direct you to our new member inquiry form. Simply fill out the form and you will be contacted by Florida Airports Council.
As a reminder, a majority of FAC memberships are group memberships at the airport system, airport, and/or corporate organization level. To confirm your employer is a current member of FAC in good standing, please email our membership team or call our office.
How to login Click the "Login" link at the top of our website and enter your employer/company email address as your Username. Enter your password on the login page and click "Login".
How to be added as a member to an existing airport or organization group membership If your employer is a current member in good standing, your internal group membership's main account manager may add you to the group membership. You may also contact us from your company email address to be added to receive access to member benefits.
If you are unsure of who to contact at your organization and/or unsure if your employer is a current FAC member, contact our membership team.
How to reset your password Click here to request a password reset email. A link will be sent to your email address; click the link to reset your password.
If you receive a pop up message that reads "A user with that email was not found", confirm your employer/company email address is correct.
"Why can't I see the discounted member rates for registration, events, etc.?" Members must be logged in to the member portal to take advantage of all member benefits, including discounted registration rates. Reference the instructions above on how to login.
How to join a committee Visit our Committees webpage to view a description of each committee and to access the links to join a committee, or committees, of your choosing. Serving on a committee is a member only benefit; members do need to be logged in to the member portal in order to access the committee's join forms.
Committee communications and resources can be found in the member portal under our "Member Community" tab.
How to access the membership directory and other member only benefits You must be logged in to the member portal to access member only benefits, including our electronic membership directory and to post to our job board for no charge. Click the "Login" button at the top of our website to log in using your employer/company email address as your username.
What is the Florida Airports Council Education Foundation? FAC’s Education Foundation is a 501c3 that provides scholarships for full-time undergraduate and graduate students who are attending one of the Council’s Member Educational Institutions and pursuing degrees in an aviation field. The Foundation also provides internships to member airports as an incentive to give students work experience along with their education. The Education Foundation gives our member airports an opportunity to train the next generation of aviation professionals as well as allow airport leadership to assess the intern’s potential as a permanent employee. Student Chapters of the Florida Airports Council strengthen the bond between the students, educational institutions, and Florida’s airport industry.
How do I apply for a scholarship? Click here to visit the scholarship webpage. The scholarship window is currently closed.